Monday, November 12, 2012

Jackson's Pre-Patch Jungle Thoughts:

Many people have asked me what I think of the new jungle changes and before I dive in I just want to explain that these are my thoughts and I could very well be wrong, these thoughts are based on just my opinion of it right now.

Some points to make:

Jungle farming more viable.

Jungler looking to ward more with the new item that stacks wards.

Haven't seen the new damage from the jungle yet but have to play around with machete/5 boots/3 cloth/5.

No leashing- Jungle to take more damage early on but likely the team will stay longer to minimize this damage.

Single target dps champs to be stronger.

Jax: looks like he is going to be phenominal.

Lee: probably about the same maybe slightly worse

Shyvana: Probably be about the same but early on she will do more damage to the jungle with machete

Nocturne: probably will be okay but more than likely won't last long with boots/5

Mundo will probably suffer early on but be stronger later on in the jungle

Diana: More gold in the jungle will probably allow her to scale more aggressively into a damage build instead of gp10

Naut: I think will be much less common for the his shield dies so quickly as is that with a stronger jungle he will perform worse.

Mumu: Probably will be okay but less aggressive off the get-go

Cho: Probably will be just as strong as he is now

Ali: I think alistar can clear wolves - blue and gank just as well as he did before but I think it will be more risky with no HoG anymore and if he doesnt capitalize on early ganks then he will fall very far behind.

I think early after the patch people will still try the early ganks and I think that this style of jungling will still be common, however I wouldn't be surprised to see AFK farmers in the jungle.

That is all that comes to mind right now, I quickly through this together in class. If you have any questions or want my opinion or want to discuss on anything of the new jungle feel free to comment and I will try to get back to you.


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