Friday, July 20, 2012

Xin Zhao Remastered and Rebuilt

Xin Zhao was originally an overpowered champion. Then he was a little over powered, then he was never played at all. I am here to happily say that he is once again a viable champion in League of Legends.

Xin Zhao (Jungle) changes:

Faster Attack Speed initially + per level - Great for jungling, ganking, and as a utility for his Three Talon Strikes.

New Passive: Challenge: An enemy champion is considered "challenged" if Xin has attacked them on used Audacious Charge on them. A Challenged for has -15% armor.

Three Talon Strikes: Lowers cooldown of other abilities, now cooldown reduces per level, and the damage scaling has increased to 1.2 from 1.0. This is good to cast abilities faster and you can use audacious charge and three talon strikes more quickly. This is great when ganking because this means you can keep your target CC'ed for longer.

Battle Cry: Xin;s former passive has moved to his Battle Cry, regenerating life every three hits which is great for jungling because he can sustain in the jungle with little help. You may not even need health pots after the first clear. The Active on Battle Cry increases his attack speed. Not much changed on this front besides the health regen which was just moved from his passive, though it no longer reduces the cooldown on his other abilities.

Audacious Charge: Pretty much everything got better with this ability. The range was reduced by 50 (which is nearly nothing so don't worry about that) Aside from that the damage, cooldown, slow amount, and slow duration were all increased so this ability got a lot better.

Crescent Sweep: Here is where things get fun. Not only does Crescent Sweet increase Xin's armor and magic resist depending on how many targets he hits, but he also does aoe dmg that does 15% of the target's current health and then some. All targets except a challenged target are thrown back away from Xin. Since Challenged targets are never thrown back, it is good ability to clear a path to an enemy champion that you want to focus, you can either focus a carry with the Crescent Sweet, or focus a target behind the target champion to throw the target champions into your team for a quick kill.

These are the changes done to Xin. The way he builds is pretty much the same. When I jungle with him, depending on routes or how things start. I like to go Mercury Treads, Vamp Sceptor Wit's End, Phage to start the game off. After that I really don't know where to go from there without seeing the enemy team composition. Also Ghostblade can be substituted for Wit's End but I like Wit's a hair better. Possible late game items include: Wriggles's Lantern, Frozen Mallet, Guardian Angel, Randuin's Omen, Black Cleaver, Sunfire Cape, Banshee's Veil or Blood Thirster.

There is my update on Xin, hope you guys got something out of it.


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