Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Small Objectives, Greed, and Patience

Hey Guys,

I thought I would talk about taking small objectives, and to be patient and retreat. Let me give you a scenario that I have seen on too many occasions.

Your team makes a push mid for an enemy turret. You kill two of the enemy champions and take down the first turret. Instead of retreating, you push again, not at full health and take a second turret. You now need to go back and heal and buy items. Meanwhile the enemy team has respawned and are moving to take Baron. You now have two choices, either fight them with low health versus their full health team, or go back and heal, buy items and then let them get baron or be late to the engagement.

I have seen this scenario many times and it often leads to the enemy team coming back.

I know it sounds obvious but here is the correct scenario:

You group middle lane for the tower push. You pick up two kills and the first turret. You then retreat, heal and buy items. You then clear your jungle, ward, get dragon, shove lanes back out, etc. Then regroup again for another engagement. Here you took the small victory, you didn't risk your lead and you are back facing the enemy team again but with a larger lead.

I know that you and I both want to get the game over as fast as possible because we are all impatient people. That is one of the biggest problems. But I bet that you would rather have a longer game and get a win than a shorter game with a loss. Take your time, secure your objectives and retreat. Greed and Impatience will lose a game every time.

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