Hey guys I am super tired but I thought I would give a quick run down of vision when you are the team's jungler. Lets be real here, if you are clearing a camp you don't need to watch yourself, obviously you want to start it the right way but for the rest of the time you have an opportunity to watch the map. The best counter jungling you can do is to spot an enemy gank and prevent it. This can be done by being there, waiting for the enemy jungler for a counter-gank or to simply ping the enemy jungler or call it out to your team.
As a Jungler and usually the Support will do this too, you need to have the awareness, you need to know timers especially as well as make calls because you are going to be the most mobile champion on your team and you are going to have the most awareness because you will be spying on the minimap
But you can't see the map without vision. If you can't see the enemy jungler's movement "Your gonna have a bad time." Same goes for any other movement of the enemy team. Kills are 300g, wards cost 75g, if a ward stops a kill, you denied the enemy team 225g effectively. The opposite also applies for kills because of ward coverage.
A lot of junglers will have trouble ganking because the enemy sees you a mile away because of wards. Yeah that can be frustrating, however my solution to this is to either buy an oracle, or buy pink wards, but this can turn into a pink ward battle in which both teams get screwed over, thought not always a bad thing. I like oracles, now you may have a debate in your head about how expensive oracles is and that you may lose it because of a death. You may also want to spend that money on an item that will make you stronger, but if you cant gank, you cant use your items.
My rule of thumb on oracles: IF AHEAD: Buy oracles. IF BEHIND: DON'T Buy oracles. If you are losing and need to play catch-up you probably died or are making not a lot of money, therefore spending 400g on an item that could be removed is not the best idea. The best idea is to play it safe, gank when a ward disappears and play smart and catch back up.
Think about when you are playing a laning champion say top lane. Ever been up there with no ward coverage? It is a scary thing. I am constantly nervous of being ganked and not knowing what is going on. This is extremely psychological. That is what you are doing to the enemy team. If the enemy team over extends with no ward coverage, it is an easy gank and kill. This makes the enemy team have to play passively which makes them play your game instead of the other way around. If they are always on the defensive you are able to secure objectives and move hidden in fog of war for a gank.
Often times as a jungler if you clear the bottom river you can solo dragon by yourself if you have decent ward coverage to cover you if the enemy team shifts down that direction or if their jungler wanders that direction. If they cannot see dragon or see you move toward dragon, the enemy team has no idea that you are doing this.
Typically I won't buy two oracles in a row because that is very costly unless the first oracles lasted 10+ minutes. Two oracles early on can severely damage your build while transitioning into the mid-late game.
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